At EUROFRESH we have made a commitment to a social responsibility policy where all employees are treated in accordance with the provisions of the fundamental Labor Agreements of the International Labor Organization (ILO Conventions 111 on discrimination and 100 on equal remuneration, ILO Conventions 138 and 182 on minimum age and child labor, ILO Conventions 29 and 105 on forced labor, ILO Conventions 87 on freedom of association, ILO Convention 98 on the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, Convention 99 on setting minimum wages in agriculture) in state legislation and in the provisions in the Collectives Agreements of provinces or country of application in accordance with the following principles:
1. All the Rights included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are recognized.
2. The existing employment relationship between the worker and the company will always be made through a written contract.
3. There is no discrimination (distinction, exclusion or preference) based on race, nationality, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, motherhood, age, political opinion, union or political party affiliation or any other personal or social circumstance.
4. The procedures for hiring and promoting workers are fair, transparent and non-discriminatory. The company will foster and promote job stability.
5. It acts in accordance with the provisions of the legislation and, where appropriate, in what is agreed in the collective agreement for issues such as: maternity, breastfeeding, working time, leave of absence, temporary disability, retirement, health surveillance.
6. All employees are governed by a principle of equal remuneration, promotion and training.
7. If disciplinary measures are practiced, they are fair and transparent. Measures that violate the physical, psychological or personal integrity of the worker will not be practiced.
8. Minors will not be employed, in accordance with legal regulations.
9. There is no forced labor for the worker.
10. Family members or dependents, who have the right to be employed outside the farm, are not forced to live inside the farm.
11. No personal and non-transferable document of the worker remains in the custody of the employer (NIE; DNI; social security card …).
12. The Company admits the right to collective bargaining.
13. Employees have the right to freely join any organization they choose. Union members are guaranteed entry to the Company.
14. Employees will be guaranteed all those measures for the protection and prevention of their occupational health.
In the event of an accident, adequate health care and transportation to the nearest medical center will be guaranteed.
15. Particularly sensitive workers, such as pregnant or lactating women, those with disabilities or medical conditions, shall not perform work that represents a risk to their safety and health, nor will they be exposed to dangerous situations.
16. Employees can contact a trusted person or their representative bodies to discuss their hiring conditions and submit claims. This figure will perform its functions with the minimum guarantees established by law, with the consensus of the members of the company and without suffering retaliation or sanction for the communication of claims. The company hereby declares its willingness to cooperate with this mediation figure for conflict resolution.
17. The company undertakes to immediately inform the competent body of any sign of bribery, corruption and/or violation of these principles and to take corrective measures.
18. Agricultural workers will know the legal minimum wage. Salaries paid will not be less than the applicable minimum rates.
A signed copy of this declaration has been delivered to the head of the company in matters of social practices, to the representative of the workers. A copy of this document will be available to any employee upon request and will be displayed in a conspicuous place whenever possible.